The Art Deco style is an artistic and design trend that emerged in the early twentieth century, particularly after the First World War. This movement, marked by its bold geometric shapes and luxurious materials, has profoundly influenced architecture, furniture and interior design. We will explore this fascinating universe in depth, highlighting the key elements that define the art deco style, as well as its lasting impact on modern aesthetics.

Origins and Influence of the Art Deco Style

The Art Deco style, which appeared in the 1920s, took off after the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in Paris in 1925. This event was a catalyst for the worldwide spread of this style. In France, the movement was marked by creators such as Robert Mallet-Stevens, Jacques-Émile Ruhlmann and Jean-Michel Frank, whose works defined the visual codes of the time.

The Characteristics of the Art Deco Style

Geometric Shapes and Patterns

The art deco style is distinguished by the use of simple and clean geometric shapes. Common patterns include zigzags, chevrons, and stylized shapes inspired by nature. These patterns can be found on furniture, wallpaper and even in architecture.

Luxurious Materials

Materials play an essential role in the art deco aesthetic. Materials such as chrome, glass, stainless steel, and precious woods are frequently found. These materials bring a touch of luxury and modernity to decorative pieces and furniture.

Bright Colors and Contrasts

Colors in the art deco style are bold and often contrasting. The palettes include rich tones such as black, gold, red, and emerald green. These colors are often combined to create striking visual effects.

Art Deco Architecture

Architecture art déco années 1930

The Movement in Europe and the United States

In Europe, art deco architecture has influenced many iconic buildings, especially in France with the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. In the United States, skyscrapers like the Chrysler Building in New York City perfectly embody this aesthetic with their clean lines and ornate details.

Wallpapers and Architectural Patterns

Art deco interiors are often adorned with wallpapers with intricate geometric patterns. These patterns add an extra dimension to the walls and contribute to the sophisticated and dynamic atmosphere of the spaces.

Art Deco furniture

1930s Furniture

The Art Deco Furniture from the 1930s are known for their straight lines and sharp angles. Pieces such as the art deco dresser, the art deco console, and the art deco desk are perfect examples of this aesthetic. Each piece of furniture is both functional and decorative, designed to be a central element of the room.

Lamps & Lighting

Art deco lamps, including the famous Tiffany art deco lamps, are centerpieces in interior design. Their design often incorporates colorful stained glass and geometric shapes, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.

Interior Decoration and Specific Rooms

Salon vintage art déco des années 1930

The Living Room

An art deco living room is often furnished with clean coffee tables and elegantly shaped sofas. Bright colors and luxurious materials create a welcoming and chic space.

The Dining Room

The dining room in an art deco style is a showcase of refinement. Elegant tables and comfortable chairs, often adorned with geometric patterns, form the heart of this room. The design focuses on the balance between aesthetics and functionality.

The Bathroom

Even the bathroom is not immune to the influence of the art deco style. Tiles with geometric patterns, luxurious porcelain sinks and chrome accessories create an atmosphere of luxury and modernity.

Cultural Influence and Iconic Artists

Key Figures of the Movement

Figures such as Jean Dupas, Eugène Printz, and Jean Dunand played a crucial role in the development and spread of the Art Deco style. Their works continue to influence contemporary designers.

Art Deco in Paris and beyond

Paris was the nerve center of the Art Deco movement, but its influence soon spread to other areas, including New York City, with buildings like the Chrysler Building, and even famous artists like Josephine Baker and Tamara de Lempicka.

The Evolution and Legacy of the Art Deco Style

The Post-War and the Transition to the Modern

After World War II, the art deco style gradually evolved, giving way to more modern styles. However, its influence endures, and many of today's decorative and design elements still draw on the art deco aesthetic.

Museums & Exhibitions

Institutions like the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris celebrate and preserve art deco heritage. These museums offer a unique perspective on the lasting impact of this movement on contemporary design and architecture.

The Art Deco Style in Contemporary Decoration

Integration into Modern Interiors

Today, the art deco style is often integrated into contemporary interiors, bringing a touch of elegance and sophistication. Geometric patterns, luxurious materials, and bold colors continue to appeal to designers and homeowners alike.

Tips for Adopting the Art Deco Style

To incorporate art deco into your home, start with centerpieces like an art deco console table or a Tiffany art deco lamp. Use geometric patterns in your wallpapers or textiles, and don't be afraid to use bright colors to create striking contrasts.


The art deco style remains a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Its ability to combine form and function, while incorporating luxurious materials and geometric patterns, makes it a timeless choice for interior design. Whether through architecture, furniture or decorative objects, the art deco style continues to inspire and amaze design lovers around the world.


What is Art Deco style?

The Art Deco style is an art and design movement that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by geometric shapes, luxurious materials, and bold colors.

How to recognize an art deco piece of furniture?

An art deco piece of furniture is distinguished by its straight lines, sharp angles, and the use of materials such as chrome, glass, and precious woods. Examples include the art deco dresser and the art deco desk.

What is the influence of the art deco style on architecture?

Art Deco architecture is marked by bold geometric shapes and stylized ornaments. Iconic buildings like the Chrysler Building are a perfect example of this style.

How to integrate art deco elements into a modern home?

To incorporate art deco elements, start with centerpieces like Art Deco lamps or furniture with geometric patterns. Use bold colors and luxurious materials to create striking contrasts.

What are the typical materials used in the art deco style?

Typical materials include chrome, glass, stainless steel, and precious woods. These materials bring a touch of luxury and modernity to decorative pieces.

Where can you see examples of the art deco style in France?

In France, examples of the art deco style can be seen in buildings like the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, as well as in museum collections like the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.