The renovation of a Louis XVI armchair is an exciting project for any lover of antique furniture and interior design. This process requires craftsmanship and attention to detail to preserve the character and elegance of this classic piece of furniture. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of restoring a Louis XVI armchair with a makeover, allowing you to bring a precious piece back to life while maintaining its authenticity.

Understanding the Louis XVI Armchair

The Louis XVI Style

The Louis XVI style, dating from the late eighteenth century, is distinguished by its straight and clean lines, geometric patterns and decorative elements inspired by Antiquity. Unlike previous styles, such as the voluptuously curved Louis XV style, the Louis XVI style focuses on symmetry and simplicity.

The Different Types of Louis XVI Armchairs

Among the emblematic armchairs of this period, we find the convertible armchair and the armchair to Queen Louis XVI. The convertible armchair, with its curved backrest and open armrests, is ideal for comfortable sitting. On the other hand, the armchair of Queen Louis XVI, with its straight back and often decorated with sculptures, is more formal and imposing.

Preparing for Renovation

Choosing the Armchair to Renovate

To get started, it's essential to choose a authentic Louis XVI armchair. A period armchair may require more or less extensive repairs, but it generally retains a superior build quality.

Assess the Condition of the Chair

Before starting the renovation, it is crucial to assess the overall condition of the chair. Look for signs of deterioration, such as cracks in the wood, loose armrests, or worn springs. This assessment will help you determine the scope of the work that needs to be done.

Materials and Tools Needed

For a successful renovation, you will need specific materials: fabric for the upholstery, foam or horsehair for the upholstery, wood glue, upholsterer's nails, etc. Essential tools include pliers, a hammer, a stapler, and upholsterer's scissors.

Stages of Renovation

Disassemble the Armchair

The first step is to disassemble the chair. Carefully remove the old fabric, upholstery, and nails. Keep all parts for reuse or as templates.

Repair Structure

Examine the wooden structure of the chair. Repair or replace damaged parts by using wood glue and tongs to hold the pieces in place until they are dry. If necessary, lightly sand the wood to remove imperfections.


Upholstery is a crucial step to ensure the comfort of the chair. Use high-quality foam or horsehair to recreate the original padding. Make sure the padding is snug and even before moving on to the next step.


Upholstery is the stage where the armchair comes to life. Choose a fabric that respects the Louis XVI style and that harmonizes with your interior. Secure the fabric with a stapler and upholstery nails, making sure to stretch the fabric tightly to avoid wrinkles.

Finishes and Details

Paint and Varnish

If the wood of the chair needs a touch-up, apply a coat of paint or varnish. Opt for a finish that highlights the carved details and protects the wood.

Add Ornaments

Louis XVI armchairs are often adorned with trimmings, braids or fringes. These details add a touch of elegance and enhance the aesthetic of the revamped chair.

Maintaining authenticity

Respecting Traditional Techniques

To preserve the authenticity of your chair, use traditional restoration techniques. Call on a Upholstery professional can be a great option if you don't have the necessary experience.

Preserving the Original Elements

Whenever possible, keep the original elements of the chair. This includes wood, nails, and any other salvageable components. These elements add value and authenticity to the renovated room.

Cost of Restoration

Price Estimate

The price for the restoration of a Louis XVI armchair varies depending on the initial condition of the chair, the materials used and the complexity of the work. A complete renovation can cost between 300 and 1500 euros, or even more for particularly valuable parts.

Influential Factors

The main factors influencing the cost include the need for structural repairs, the choice of fabric for the upholstery, and the amount of labor required. One Louis Philippe style armchair, for example, may require different restoration techniques and influence the price.


Renovating a Louis XVI armchair is an enriching project that allows you to breathe new life into a historic room while enriching your Refined interior. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can transform a neglected chair into a stylish and comfortable work of art. Whether it is a Louis XVI armchair with a makeover or a Louis XIV armchair, the key to success lies in attention to detail and respect for traditional techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose a Louis XVI armchair to renovate?
It is important to choose an armchair in good structural condition, with solid wood and authentic elements. Check the seals, armrests, and backrest to make sure they are repairable.

What materials are needed for the renovation?
Materials include upholstery fabric, foam or horsehair for upholstery, wood glue, upholsterer's nails, and possibly paint or varnish for wood.

What is the average cost of restoring a Louis XVI armchair?
The cost can vary from 300 to 1500 euros, depending on the condition of the chair and the materials used. Complex work and the use of high-end materials can increase the price.

Can I renovate a Louis XVI armchair myself?
Yes, it is possible to renovate a Louis XVI armchair yourself if you have the necessary skills. However, calling on a professional upholstery can guarantee a high-quality result.

What are the most common types of Louis XVI armchairs?
Convertible armchairs and queen's armchairs are among the most common. The convertible armchair is comfortable and informal, while the queen's armchair is more formal and decorative.

How to maintain a renovated Louis XVI armchair?
To maintain a renovated armchair, dust the wood and fabric regularly, avoid direct exposure to the sun and humidity, and clean stains immediately with suitable products.