Htdeco reviews-how to leave an evaluation on the site

The experience of users is important, leave your opinion HTdeco, allows us to know our strengths and weaknesses, so we hope that every buyer would like to submit his opinion on our website e commerce, whether you purchase a lamp or furniture.

To file a HTdeco review

To leave an opinion on our store, nothing simpler.

  • Leave your opinion on the product sheet: for this, go to the product sheet of the purchased item, click on give your opinion, this method is easy when you buy only one object.
  • Drop your comment by clicking on the floating cloud homepage indicating our results and ratings, so you will have the opportunity to leave your opinion on the products and on the website itself.
  • Submit an evaluation by the notification request email, click on the link, this one will take you to a page where you can leave your comment for each purchase.